Faculty Profile

محرم نژاد ایرد موسی


تاریخ به‌روزرسانی: 1403/12/16

محرم نژاد ایرد موسی

علوم ریاضی / ریاضی کاربردی و صنعتی

Articles Faculty

مقالات علمی چاپ شده در مجلات

  1. "Simultaneous coloring of vertices and incidences of outerplanar graphs"
    MAHSA MOZAFARINIA, Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications, Vol. 11, pp.245-262, 2023
    MAHSA MOZAFARINIA, Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Opuscula Mathematica, Vol. 43, pp.109-123, 2023
  3. "Simultaneous coloring of vertices and incidences of graphs"
    MAHSA MOZAFARINIA, Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 85, pp.287-307, 2023
  4. "Counterexamples to a conjecture on matching Kneser graphs"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Transactions on Combinatorics, Vol. 12, pp.172-173, 2022
  5. "A note on coloring of 3/3-power of subquartic graphs"
    MAHSA MOZAFARINIA, Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 79, pp.454-460, 2021
  6. "Sharply (n-2)-transitive Sets of Permutations"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Vol. 15, pp.183-190, 2020
  7. "A Short Proof of 7-Colorability of 3/3-Power of Subcubic Graphs"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction A-Science, Vol. 44, pp.225-226, 2020
  8. "Subdivision of hypergraphs and their colorings"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Opuscula Mathematica, Vol. 40, pp.271-290, 2020
  9. "Derangement action digraphs and graphs"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa, Cheryl E. Praeger
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, Vol. 80, pp.361-372, 2019
  10. "On minimal generating sets for symmetric and alternating groups"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa, Reza Taleb
    Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Vol. 44, pp.1457-1470, 2018
  11. "Two-sided Group Digraphs and Graphs"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa, Cheryl E. Praeger
    JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY, Vol. 82, pp.279-295, 2015
  12. "A note on edge coloring of graphs"
    Saeed Akbari, Moharram Nejad Iradmusa, Mohsen Jamali
    ARS COMBINATORIA, Vol. 119, pp.289-292, 2015
  13. "Domination number of graph fractional powers"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Vol. 40, pp.1479-1489, 2014
  14. "On Colorings of graph fractional powers"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, Vol. 310, pp.1551-1556, 2010
  15. "A note on partial list coloring"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 46, pp.19-24, 2010
  16. "Hv -structures associated with nF -hyperoperations (n 1 2 3)"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, pp.197-208, 2002
  17. "Complement of an F-hyperoperation"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    ALGEBRAS GROUPS AND GEOMETRIES, Vol. 18, pp.43-51, 2001
  18. "Hv-structures associated with generalized P-hyperoperations"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    BULLETIN OF IRANIAN MATH, Vol. 24, pp.33-47, 1998

مقالات علمی ارائه شده در همایش‌ها

  1. "On a generalization of Erdos-Szekeres problem"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    Convex and Discrete Geometry Workshop, 2023
  2. "Rainbow Connection Number of Cartesian Product of Some Graphs"
    Tariq Farha, Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    4th International Conference on Cpmbinatorics, Cryptography, Computer Science and computing, pp.349-352, 2019
  3. "On incidence coloring of graph fractional powers"
    MAHSA MOZAFARINIA, Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    The Third IPM Biennial Combinatorics and Computing Conference (IPMCCC 2019), pp.1-5, 2019
  4. "Permutation Representation of graphs"
    Moharram Nejad Iradmusa
    IPM Combinatircs and Computing Conference (2015), pp.21-21, 2015
  5. "7-رنگ پذیری توان 3/3 گرافهای زیرمکعبی"
    محرم نژاد ایرد موسی
    اولین کنفرانس بین المللی پیشرفت های اخیر در علوم ریاضی، صفحات:139-139، 1397
  6. "Isomorphic Qq-decomposition of Cayley graphs associated to Sn"
    محرم نژاد ایرد موسی
    اولین کنفرانس بین المللی پیشرفت های اخیر در علوم ریاضی، صفحات:144-144، 1397
  7. "Derangement action digraphs and graphs"
    محرم نژاد ایرد موسی
    چهل و نهمین کنفرانس ریاضی ایران، صفحات:3250-3258، 1397
  8. "On Minimal Generating sets for Symmetric Groups"
    محرم نژاد ایرد موسی، رضا طالب
    Ipm Combinatorics and Computing Conference (2017)، 1396
  9. "Behzad s Conjecture and Graph Fractional Powers"
    محرم نژاد ایرد موسی
    دومین سمینار ترکیبیات دانشگاه شهید بهشتی، 1395
  10. "Domination number of graph fractional power"
    محرم نژاد ایرد موسی
    Frontiers in Mathematical Sciences، 1393
  11. "Subdivision of Hyergraphs and their Colorings"
    محرم نژاد ایرد موسی
    Frontiers in Mathematical Sciences، صفحات:22-22، 1393
  12. "Edge coloring of graph fractional powers"
    محرم نژاد ایرد موسی
    چهل و سومین کنفرانس بین المللی ایران، 1391
  13. "نامه به مفهومی که هرگز زاده نشد"
    محرم نژاد ایرد موسی
    هشتمین کنفرانس آموزش ریاضی ایران، 1385